Welcome to the CareCodex Foundation

The CareCodex Foundation wants to improve healthcare in the Netherlands and abroad by enabling transparent and secure digital information exchange between healthcare providers and clients/patients. People-centred care is the basis for this. In people-centred care, care is organised around people. The wishes of the person seeking care are the starting point, as is equality between the person seeking care and the care provider..

Improve quality of care

The CareCodex Foundation promotes (the improvement of) the quality of care by developing, implementing and maintaining a route and a method for the integral exchange of information between care providers and clients. In our vision, this is only possible through good cooperation with all stakeholders. Interoperability is therefore central to our approach.

CareCodex is a non-profit foundation.

"Control by the person seeking care and equality between the person seeking care and the person providing care. That is the essence of people-centred care".

Dorine Veldhuyzen, Director Carecodex

People-centred care according to WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO) promotes people-centred care. The right care, at the right time, in the right place. That is what the WHO is all about. This requires a different approach to healthcare and has an impact on the organisation of healthcare. Ask what is important to someone, rather than what is wrong with them. The WHO is working with countries all over the world to put the needs and wishes of the client or patient at the centre of its work.

The WHO has produced an animation explaining the principle of people-centred.

More about the WHO programme can be found on their website.