Welcome to the CareCodex Foundation

Since 2017, the CareCodex Foundation has been working to improve care and well-being in the Netherlands and abroad by enabling transparent and secure digital information exchange between care and assistance providers and clients/patients/citizens. Our approach is based on people-centred care, in which the wishes of the care recipient are central and equality between care recipient and care provider is the norm.

Our mission

Everyone, from their own identity and role within care and welfare, can be human and act from his/her/their own core and will.

We are the party that brings the stakeholders together and encourages them to form the right policy seen from network care and with an eye on the end user.

We achieve this by managing and implementing projects in the area of (digital) information exchange between caregivers and clients that involve all layers of interoperability.

We ensure the smooth transfer and safeguarding of our projects so that they are permanently integrated into mainstream care.

People-Centred Care according to WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes people-centered care, providing the right care at the right time and in the right location. This approach requires a fundamental change in the organization of health care. More information about this program and an explainer video can be found on the WHO website.

"Control by the person seeking care and equality between the person seeking care and the person providing care. That is the essence of people-centred care".

Dorine Veldhuyzen, Director Carecodex

Our Projects

CareCodex Foundation works to improve and realize digital data exchange in healthcare. We do this based on shaping and realizing large-scale projects in this field. Would you like to know more about CareCodex's ongoing and completed projects? Click on the relevant project below!

VIPP Babyconnect

VIPP Babyconnect realizes user-friendly, secure, digital data exchange in collaboration with birth care. The goal: the right data, at the right time, with the client and with the right healthcare provider. Click here for more information about this project.