The Supervisory Board of CareCodex Foundation consists of five members:

Durk Berks

Portfolio holder Care content

Durk Berks has been working as a gynaecologist in the Westfriesgasthuis in Hoorn since 2012. He sees the transition to integrated birth care as the formation of an equal team in which all care disciplines are involved, with the pregnant woman herself as the most important member. Within the transition to integral birth care, he is closely involved in the parallel development of ICT in his region, so that all team members have integral access to all relevant care information at all times.

He believes in connecting existing information systems through a central unit of language. Maximum quality is thereby guaranteed because (end) users can continue to use their own target-specific software package and, through the unity of language, a single virtual (integrated) file can be created together.

In addition, the linking of existing information systems requires a more specific definition of (control over one's own) privacy. This starts with giving the pregnant woman control over who can view what information. Durk finds it important that the solutions found are freely available and that no intellectual property arises. He isconvinced that the solution found within birth care lays the foundation for the future, integrated care file.

Rene Glass

Privacy portfolio holder

René Glas works as a privacy expert for various clients. He is intrigued by (the lack of) privacy - how can your newly purchased phone already tell you, when switched on, that there is little traffic on the way to your (new) job? Apparently, your data is known, and available, even though you don't know where that data is, and whether you were properly informed at the time you (apparently) gave permission for it to be used.

Faced with illness in his immediate family, he encountered problems in the exchange of information between various healthcare providers. One could observe and complain about it, but he preferred to take up the gauntlet and do his bit (knowledge, skills and experience in the field of privacy) to solve them!

Anoeska Mosterdijk


Anoeska Mosterdijk has been working as the director of InEen, the branch association for primary care organisations such as GP posts, care groups and health centres, since 2016. InEen is committed to a strong, well-organised first line as the foundation for good and affordable care. Before that, she worked for a long time at the Ministry of Public Health, where her portfolio as MT member of the Curative Care Department included birth care.

From both positions, the great and ever-increasing importance of good information exchange between healthcare providers and between healthcare provider and patient has become evident to her. Good information exchange contributes to better and safer care for the patient. What has also become clear is that you need stamina to achieve this. She is happy to use her knowledge and experience with (political) administrative processes to enable transparent, safe, digital information exchange between healthcare providers and clients/patients. In the first place within birth care, but as far as she is concerned also outside of it.

Rinus van Riel


Rinus van Riel is an experienced director and change manager in not-for-profit organisations, including hospitals.

Practical action and strategic thinking characterise his approach. Just like making organisations future-proof and financially healthy, overcoming resistance to change in complex situations and creating support. Van Riel has extensive experience in healthcare, (semi) government and housing corporations. His challenge is to actually implement changes!

Olvi Zanin

Treasurer, Chairman Audit Committee

Olvi Zanin is an experienced interim manager. The last 20 years, he has worked mainly in healthcare in the field of finance, IT and operations.

He enjoys helping organisations with improvement processes. Olvi has experience in developing and implementing changes. This always involves people and culture. This makes every assignment different. In order to continue providing high quality and affordable care, information exchange between clients, caregivers and their networks is essential. Nice that CareCodex can contribute to this!