Policy plan
CareCodex Foundation aims to improve the quality of care by enabling transparent, secure, digital information exchange between healthcare providers and client/patient. We are currently implementing a project in birth care, the Babyconnect program. This project will run until December 31, 2024. In addition, in 2021 we will orient ourselves to a new project in healthcare whose scope and project plan we will flesh out in 2022.
Babyconnect programme
In 2018 to the spring of 2019, we conducted a preliminary study together with RSO Nederland and CPZ to achieve an Electronic Client File in birth care. This preliminary study was subsidised by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. With this research and grant, we were able to develop the frameworks and theoretical thinking of future digital data exchange in birth care.
In order to give shape to the envisioned digital information exchange in birth care, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport created the VIPP program Babyconnect. VWS has commissioned us as the national agency to implement this program. To this end, we receive a subsidy from VWS. The program will run at least until December 31, 2024. All information about it can be found on the Babyconnect website.
Our policy is to:
- Put the end users (patients/clients, caregivers, healthcare organizations and data analysts/researchers) in birth care at the center of formulating the requirements that digital information exchange in birth care must meet;
- Develop these requirements into efficient technical solutions that also comply with all standards of care, ensure data privacy, provide secure access to information and strive to increase purchasing power among healthcare institutions, maximize standardization and strengthen collaboration among birth care organizations;
- To get as many Obstetric Collaborative Centres (VSVs) and Integrated Birth Care Organisations (IGOs) as possible interested in and connected to the Babyconnect VIPP programme and to support these and other parties in the birth care sector optimally in the implementation by developing test environments, training courses, educational materials and implementation manuals and other knowledge documents;
- Ensuring the sustainability of the technical solutions by sustainable funding of the investments and the annual management costs, giving the end-user groups a continuous status and securing their position in the broad field of healthcare, and sustainably investing the management of the technical infrastructure in the (birth) care sector.
What activities does the institution carry out?
In order to realise the policy, work is carried out in the field of:
- User needs; to identify the needs of patients/clients and healthcare providers and institutions involved in birth care;
- Research & development; to research, develop and make practice-ready the technical solutions for the intended digital information exchange;
- Program management; to guide regions in implementation;
- Communication; to support the program both nationally and regionally with adequate communication and information.
These activities are supported by management, staff and finance & control.
When will what work be done?
In the period 2019 to mid-2021, the emphasis is on identifying user needs, researching and developing the technical solutions, guiding the regions in the development of their project plan and their grant application, and involving and informing all stakeholders in the birth care sector in the program. From mid-2021, the focus will be on developing the technical solutions and guiding the regions in their implementation. This project phase will last at least until the end of 2023 with an expected roll-out in 2024. In 2023 the foundations will be laid for the sustainable securing of the intended digital information exchange.
We report quarterly to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport on the progress of the programme and, after completion of the programme, we report to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport on the objectives achieved by the programme.
How does the work contribute to achieving the objective?
All work is aimed at and aligned with the goal of improving the quality of childbirth care.
How does the institution get its income?
We receive a subsidy from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to implement the Babyconnect programme. In addition, we make use of other (subsidy) sources where possible provided that the activities (to be) carried out in relation to that income also contribute to the realisation of the Babyconnect programme. Other than for the Babyconnect project, we do not expect any other income in 2021.
In what way and for what purposes are the revenues obtained spent?
The foundation has no activities other than for the Babyconnect programme. All income that we currently receive is subject to the condition that it is spent or benefits the programme Babyconnect. This does not exclude obtaining other income to make it financially possible to research and prepare the continuation of the program Babyconnect during the phasing out or after the completion of this project.
To the extent that the subsidy received from VWS is not needed for the realisation of the Babyconnect programme, it is subject to a repayment obligation. A surplus of subsidy in any year therefore does not constitute capital for the foundation.
Our foundation has historically accumulated assets. These assets - to the extent not required for operating assets - are held as bank balances.
Remuneration policy for the statutory board, for members of the policy-making body and for staff
The board members of the foundation receive no remuneration for their statutory role. However, they do receive compensationfor their executive roles and functions within the Babyconnect programme , based on class 2 of the Dutch Top Income Tax Act (Normering Topinkomens).
The foundation has a Supervisory Board. The members of the Supervisory Board receive no remuneration for their work. They are entitled to non-excessive attendance fees and reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The chairman receives a fixed fee of EUR 3,800 and the other members receive a fixed fee of EUR 2,720. These amounts apply for a full calendar year.
For the staff, the foundation follows the CAO Hospitals.