What is the CareCodex Foundation?

The CareCodex Foundation is a non-profit foundation that aims to improve healthcare in the Netherlands and abroad by enabling transparent, secure, digital information exchange between healthcare providers and clients/patients. The client/patient is at the top of the hierarchy of end-users and has control over his/her personal data and information, while his/her privacy and self-determination are guaranteed.

The CareCodex Foundation promotes (the improvement of) the quality of care in the Netherlands and abroad by developing, implementing and maintaining a route and methodology for the integral exchange of information between care providers and client/patient. The foundation also aims to stimulate an environment and develop conditions and circumstances that ensure data security, data privacy and the control thereof for individual patients and clients.

The CareCodex Foundation wants to let clients or patients take control of the course of their illness, whether it is recovery or maintaining quality of life. After all, they know their wishes and needs best. They also know the care institution and the treatment they receive and are very well able to indicate what is needed, where the gaps are, what is going well and what is not going well.

To see the client more as a partner, a strong information position of the client is needed, so that the information asymmetry between doctors and patients decreases. Ultimately, clients will want to and be able to view medical information from various healthcare providers in their own file (the Personal Health Record, PGD) and supplement this with their own health information and information from e-health applications. The information that becomes available from hospitals is an essential part of the PGD.


  1. The CareCodex Foundation is a non-profit organisation.
  2. The CareCodex Foundation works across suppliers.
  3. The CareCodex Foundation exclusively develops, encourages, facilitates and supports supplier-transcending activities.
  4. The CareCodex Foundation focuses on the public interest (the client is in control).
  5. The CareCodex Foundation works independently of commercial parties and governments.
  6. CareCodex Foundation is at the forefront of knowledge on data security and legislation data security.