
Everyone, from their own identity and role within care and welfare, can be human and act from his/her/their own core and will.


Control over - and access to - the right health information, for each end user appropriate to their own needs and desires.

To provide quality care, it is essential to have complete, accurate and timely information. Therefore, everyone will have access to their medical data in a readable format. One can control which health care providers have access to this data and see who accessed it.

Clients or patients also have the ability to add their own data.

Clients have full control over their data and can rely on secure management and privacy protection.

Technology, policy and legislation serve people.

All systems provide the data in a structured manner, allowing them to be combined into clear and well-organized information not only for the caregivers but also for the client or patient. Healthcare providers with client consent and a treatment relationship can access data relevant to treatment at any time.

Core values


Every individual is equal, differences arise and are allowed to exist from roles and responsibility


Wicked problems can only be solved together. Multiple perspectives are needed to arrive at correct and feasible solutions. Working together on collective wisdom.


Being innovative, innovative and thinking in solutions makes you regularly bump up against the "established order. Change often means letting go and doing things differently. Taking the lead in this and 'sticking your head above the parapet' requires guts and courage.


Everything we do adds value and is sustainable for the long term. Thinking from social interest including ecological and ethical consequences.


Long-term thinking and (cultural) changes take time. The interest from all involved means that the desired result can only be achieved in small steps. Focusing on the long term while maintaining energy and resilience requires persistence.